

Godt Nytt År

Happy New Year readers! Expect many more enlightening posts in 2015. We've just scratched the surface of my family's collection and there's great momentum for the New Year. It's now 112 years after Erik Andreas Persson set foot on new soil. This postcard was sent from Persson's late wife's sister in Krokom, Sweden. Addressed to 1902 Oak St., Brainerd, MN and forwarded 73 miles N. to Box 1786 in Laporte, MN.

Persson's first wife Kristina Erika Thilander died Jan. 28, 1902. Kristina was raised on the Slater farm in Rödön, near Krokom, Sweden. After her death Erik Andreas was left with his 1 year old son John Erik Petrus Holger Persson, born Oct. 5, 1901.  Soon after [his] startup hardware and blacksmith business failed in Lit, Erik Andreas left his infant son with his dead wife's sister Ottolina Thilander in Rödön, May 7, 1903.  On May 12, 1903 Erik Andreas emigrated to the U.S., stopping briefly in Minnesota before settling in Portland, OR. 

Ottolina and Holger addressed this New Year's card just 7 months after E. A. Persson left his homeland -- presumably he had made it as far as Laporte, MN. It would be 7 more years before the family would reunite again in Oak Point, WA. There are dozens of postcards sent to and from Rödön during the years 1903-1909.  

Godt Nytt År - 2015!


Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition Souvenir Mailing Card

After reviewing exactly how many postcards we have to interpret - it will be a lengthy process. Based on my count the collection has as many as 800+ postcards, more than two-thirds need Swedish > English translations. While this will take some time, in the meantime there's still hundreds of photographs to celebrate.  

Before more photos are posted, I'd like to share this fully intact 109 year old, 19 page accordion style postcard book from the 1905 Lewis & Clark Centennial Exposition in Portland, OR. Erik Andreas Persson must have been impressed with the fairgrounds, as this booklet was purchased and mailed all the way to his future bride Ottolina Thilander in Krokom, Sweden. Lucky for me, I discovered two pressed clover leaves when opening this booklet.

Portlanders should get a kick out of these, enjoy!