
Swedish, generations


What the population of Jämtland at the turn-of-the-century was I'm not sure, but here are over 150 members of the counties population, some dating to the late 19th century. These types of portraits are called Carte de Visite's, which were traded amongst family and friends. Many of the portraits are legibly signed and some dated. I will begin adding additional name tags and info as time permits.  While scanning these I noticed a handful of people who are pictured in the wedding photograph. The first block of photos has a mix of unknown's and select members of the Persson, Thilander and Eriksson families. I've been wanting to invest the time and scan all these, it's been well worth it. Enjoy!

community at large, bergstrom

Community at Large: The Bergstroms

Mrs. Mary Bergstrom made an earlier appearance in a post with Mrs. Baldridge and Edna Baldridge. In this photo set she sits in formal wear with her sibling and husband Mr. John Bergstrom. More digging revealed a photograph of the Bergstrom's daughter Ellen, pictured in her white winter jacket and hat. They are listed in a transcribed 1910 Oak Point Census report by David Williams under the name Bystrum.  

The Persson, Bergstrom, Bennett and Baldridge families were obviously a close circle of friends. They likely worked for an outfit named W. L. & T Co. Possibly the "W" represents a surname and the "L & T" are short for Lumber and Timber? Any mild research I've done trying to decode this company's abbreviated name has resulted in mostly dead ends.  I'm still perusing leads, but there's no immediate history available. 

There is however, successful identification of several families and individuals. And with the available genealogy resources online, I'm confident there'll be reunions to come. 

From right to left: Mrs. Bergstrom, Mr. Bergstrom and Mrs. Bergstrom's unknown sibling. 

Mrs. Bergstrom (right) and unknown sibling. 

Ellen Bergstrom, 1911-13.